Tim Motzer 'Inside" interview by Chuck Van Zyl, Star's End, WXPN

"In his younger years innovative guitarist Tim Motzer may well have been influenced by the classics No Pussyfooting, Evening Star or Discrete Music, but his many releases in the soundscape vein have always shied-away-from reproducing exactly the sound of these pioneering artists. If Motzer is channeling anything from the 1970s it is the forward-thinking spirit of innovation and the freedom to try new things that arose uniquely out of this period. His album 'Inside' (61'01") arrives in another, different era of transformation, one in which we have all been asked to re-think our lives...."

Please watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/U7iPMKfuBgw

Inside album review: http://www.starsend.org/TMInside.html

Tim Motzer